Storing Coffee Beans and Ground Coffee

How should I store my Whole Beans and Ground Coffee?

The best way to store coffee is to purchase fresh, whole bean coffee and grind it yourself.  Only grind enough to use just before brewing. (This is why it is recommended to buy only what's needed to always buy fres). Store the remaining beans in an air-tight container in a cool dark area, typically a pantry, etc..  The two key things that are detrimental to roasted coffee is air and moisture. Make sure your storage method does its best to avoid contact with air and moisture, including condensation.

Some coffee lovers recommend keeping the coffee in the refrigerator. You should be careful with this because coffee shouldn't be stored in extreme temperatures. There are some refrigerators that transfer its temperature from the freezer. Be cautious to store it far away from it. (We don’t really recommend putting it into a refrigerator with the exception of iced coffee).  Coffee has a great tendency to absorb odors, either whole bean or ground coffee. Placing in a refrigerator allows for absorption of odors and moisture, which degrades the coffee.

We recommend a very simple and inexpensive container for storing coffee beans.  Restaurant supply stores sell a white polyethylene food storage container that is standard in the industry.  You can purchase these at any restaurant supply store for under $5.00. These do an excellent job of sealing out air and moisture and they last forever.  If you purchase coffee in 1 lb. bags, use a 2 quart container. If you purchase coffee in 5 lb. bags, use an 8 quart container.

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